pvigier's blog

computer science, programming and other ideas

Vagabond – 2D Light System

This week, I have worked on a light system. It will allow me to simulate a day-night cycle and to create a nice atmosphere during night or inside dungeons and caves.

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Tags: vagabond game-engine

Vagabond – OpenGL Wrapper and Metrics

This week, I have implemented a metric manager to easily report metrics. Then I have added features to my graphics engine. In particular, I have coded a wrapper around OpenGL and used it to finally render the procedural generated worlds in the game.

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Tags: vagabond game-engine

Vagabond – Game Engine Foundations

This week, I have continued to develop my game engine. I have laid the foundation for a certain number of engines and systems.

As you may know, I am using SFML and C++ to create my game. However, building a game directly with SFML is a bit tough as SFML is a low-level library. Thus I have decided to build a small game engine to help me later on. Nothing too fancy or general, just the necessary to be able to power Vagabond.

But, I did not do everything from scratch. I used the experience I acquired during the development of Simulopolis. Moreover, when I finished developing Simulopolis, I read two books SFML Game Development and SFML Game Development By Example to compare their approaches and mine. It was really instructive.

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Tags: vagabond game-engine

Entity-Component-System – Part 2

In this article, we will take back our entity-component-system implementation where we left it in the previous article and try to improve it.

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Tags: vagabond ecs cpp

Entity-Component-System – Part 1

This week, I have started working on my game engine for my game Vagabond. I have worked on an implementation of the entity-component-system pattern.

In this article, I want to share with you my implementation which is freely available on GitHub. But instead of just commenting the code, I want to explain how I designed it. Thus, I will start with the first implementation I coded, analyze its strengths and weaknesses and then show how I improved it. Finally, I will give a list of things that still could be improved.

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Tags: vagabond ecs cpp